Hello my name is Katie and I’m a chronic book hoarder. Recently I have come to the sad concussion that my bookcases are completely full. I have shuffled and shuffled but no more room ever going to appear! I even have the tell tale bend in my shelves that are just yelling at me to lighten their loads.
This lead me to the idea of creating a TBR Jar, I’ve seen a few people create this cool idea and I have so many books that have been brought for me or buy me that I have no intention of reading that need to go! A number of books I have hold little appeal to me due to the genre or the age that the book is meant for but being a class A hoarder I can’t ever get rid of any thing including books without ridiculous amounts of thought and heart-ache.
To make things easier, I’m setting myself some rules to accompany my TBR Jar; each month I’ll pull out a minimum of one slip of paper that will have a title of a book I haven’t read yet. Of course I will still be reading other books but this is just to try and clear some room. The getting rid of books part comes into play with the clause that if I don’t want to read a book and don’t have a decent reason, it’s destined for a new life with someone else. I know I’m going to come up with stupid excuses but I’m sure I have some even I can’t even think of a reason to keep.
Just for fun I took some photos as I created my Jar and here they are so
you can see me suffer cutting out all the titles of my unread books
I decided to hand write out all my title just for fun,
I also didn't feel like typing them out then trying to cut without any lines!
A fun little fact about me is that I have terrible fine motor skills
I can’t cut straight or even draw straight lines with the help of a ruler.
After some serious effort and lots of twitter breaks, here is the finished product!
I had a small problem with the fact I picked a jar to small for my hand
to fit in but I soon corrected that with an old lolly jar laying round the house!
Do you have a way to clear your TBR pile, can you give a hoarder some tips?
Have you made a TBR Jar or are you planning to?